Today we begin the presentation of an 8-screen exhibit entitled "Józef Piłsudski - Father of Poland’s Independence – the Second Republic" developed by Ed Andrews, President of POLONUS Polish Philatelic Society.
The date of the inauguration in not chosen not by accident.

We would like to refer to the XXII OWF Poznań '2018, which begins today in Poznań and is organized, among others, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Wielkopolska Uprising and the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. Among those who had strong influence on the independence of Poland in 1918, Józef Piłsudski took a prominent place.
The presented exhibit is prepared in accordance with the requirements of open class, not very popular in our country and absent at XXII OWF in Poznań. In this way, we follow the appeal formulated in the September issue of Filatelista by the Chairman of the Jury' Commission of the Polish Philatelist Union, Marek Zbierski's colleague, and inaugurate the "introduction to the salons".
The next part of this interesting exhibit will be successively presented on our website.


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