Browsing through the latest Polish Stamps Catalogue (Fischer, 2015) I have noticed that no error regarding FI 3535 stamp had been duly noted. The stamp in question was issued in 2001 to celebrate Salesians of Don Bosco Games. A few years ago I noticed a bright spot on one of competitor’s no. 14 palm. Repetitive error occurs on stamp no. 8, sheet sector no. 4, bottom right. Since then I have seen a dozen of stamp sheets from the same sector and the repetitive error was always present. In the picture attached below you can notice the stamp sheet with a stamp error marked. You can also find a comparison of a competitor’s no. 14 palm with (on the right) and without the error.

PS. Because the above mentioned note was published in “Przegląd Filatelistyczny” as well as on I-KF website, in 2016 Fischer’s Catalogue the stamp was referred to as Fi. 3735 B1.

English version: Anna Siarkiewicz

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