An interesting way to enrich your specialized stamp collection is stamps printed on a joint paper. Technological process of printing stamps using rotary printing press requires that the longest possible continuity of printing be kept. Stopping stamp printing machine in order to insert a new roll of paper is a lengthy process and requires manual reset of printing parameters. Thus, while printing stamps in spiral machines, rolls of paper are glued together.
Modern roll to roll printing machines enable changing rolls of paper without any need to stop the machine. This type of printing machines are used for printing newspapers with the most circulation, and where time factor is essential. Stamps printed in Poland on joint rolls of paper after World War II were not used for paper recycling and they were still sold.
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Picture 1-3 present stamps from “Moskiewski” or “Goznak” and date back to 1944. They were printed in Goznak printing house in Moscow. 25 million stamps of 25 and 50 grosz were ordered. Such high size of edition was impossible to perform without sticking together rolls of paper during printing. It also allowed to speed up the whole process.
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Picture 4 shows a stamp printed on a joint roll of paper from the second issue of “Kultura Polska”, in 1947. The stamp was printed by rotogravure technique in a multimillion circulation. The stamp has not been listed in Fischer catalogue. Picture 5 shows a 1952 stamp from “Budownictwo i elektryfikacja II”, made by a rotary printing press for intaglio barcode printing; circulation over 80 million stamps. Picture 6 shows a 1954 stamp from “Wydania na przesyłki lotnicze” printed by a rotary printing press for intaglio barcode printing; edition over 60 million stamps. Picture 7 shows second edition a 1960stamp from “Polskie stroje ludowe. That stamp was printed using rotogravure and steel engraving method. The stamp has not been described by Fischer catalogue yet.
Picture 8 shows 1960 stamp from “Historyczne miasta polskie” issue. The stamp was printed by a rotary printing press for intaglio barcode printing. The total edition of this stamp was over 900 million items. Picture 9 shows stamp that I mentioned before. It’s a 1966 stamp from “Turystyka”. It was printed by a rotary printing press for intaglio barcode printing. Edition of this issue was also high, reaching multimillions. Two strips of dark brown glue, each 13 mm wide, were used for sticking together separate rolls of paper. The junction was placed on 8th and 9th column of stamp sheets. Summing up, the higher edition of a given stamp issue, the higher chance to encounter junctions between rolls of paper.
English version: Ewa Siarkiewicz
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